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Examination & Evaluation

Tests, examinations and Evaluations

For admission to class XI, it is necessary to score B1/71% by class X students in science and Maths for PCM and C1/51% in all subjects for commerce.

The syllabus covered in each semester may be carried forward to next semester, for XI and XII. It is imperative that students are regular in their attendance and studies in order to perform well in each semester. The students of Class XI will have to appear for a comprehensive examination, covering the entire syllabus at the end the second semester, as preparation for the following year’s CBSE Board Examination. The format for recording attendance and Academic performance has been provided in this handbook and students are encouraged to update it and keep a track or their progress.

The results of testes and examinations are communicated to the parents during PTM. Parents are requested to attend them. In case of forged signatures or tampering of results, students are liable to be punished with expulsion. If the Report Book in misplaced/lost a duplicate will be issued only on payments of a fine of Rs. 50/-

Parents are requested to sign the answer scripts of their child, in each subjects, s after each test / examinations, so that they are aware of their child’s performance and are in better position to discuss The same with the teachers. However, answer scripts of the final Examination / SA II will not be given to the parents under any circumstances.

Promotions are decided in consultation with class/subject teachers at the end of the academic session. A students will be granted promotion on the basis of overall performance in mid-term tests and end of terms examinations of the both the semesters. The minimum pass mark/grade for classes will be decided as per CBSE rule. The results declared at the end of the year are final.

1) Minimum 33% or corresponding grade D is required in aggregate of each subject for promotion.
2) Promotion in not based on the performance in the terminal examination alone.

A students who fails twice in the same class will not be permitted to continue studies in the school.
Academic Awards are given on the basis of the student’s performance in three periodical tests and annual examination comprising of the entire syllabus. Hence, students are urged to be present for all the evaluations.

Class LKG to X follows Evolutions pattern that has been introduced in all CBSE AFFILIATED schools. The Assessment tests are conducts as per given Schedule.

Besides the writer task, students are assessed for their response in class and participation in all class activities ( Projects presentations etc. ) They are expected to express their thought freely and confidently. The teacher also takes into account the honesty, creativity and originality of each child while allotting marks.

Hence, assessment is based on the all round growth and developments of the child from different angles. Annual awards at the end of the session will also be given on this basis.

(i) Periodic Test (10 marks):
The school will conduct three periodic written tests in the entire academic year and the average of the best two will be taken. However, for the purpose of gradient learning, three tests will be held as one being the mid-term test and the other two being pre mid and post mid-term with portion of syllabus cumulatively covered. The gradually increasing portion of contents would prepare students acquire confidence for appearing in the Board examination with 100% syllabus. The school will take the average of the best two tests for final marks submission.

(ii) Notebook Submission (5 marks):
Notebook submission as a part of internal assessment is aimed at enhancing seriousness of students towards preparing notes for the topics being taught in the classroom as well as assignments. This also addresses the critical aspect of regularity, punctuality, neatness and notebook upkeep.

(iii) Subject Enrichment Activities (5marks):
These are subject specific application activities aimed at enrichment of the understanding and skill development. These activities will be recorded internally by respective subject teachers.
For Languages: Activities conducted for subject enrichment in languages will aim at equipping the learner to develop effective speaking and listening skills.
For Mathematics: The listed laboratory activities and projects as given in the prescribed publication of CBSE/NCERT will be followed.
For Science: The listed practical works/ activities will be carried out as prescribed by the CBSE in the curriculum.
For Social Science: Map and project work will be undertaken as prescribed by the CBSE in the curriculum.