
ATTENTION PLEASE Students who are not taken CAUTION MONEY so far, may take it at the earliest fr...   ||  



The years a student spends in the school should enable him / her to acquire sound principles of conduct and action and lay a solid foundation of true and purposeful living when he / she attains adulthood. Principles of honesty, trust, cooperation, self-reliance, leadership and hard work are inculcated through various school activities. These activities the student learns to do himself / herself under the supervision of teachers. In them is given the opportunity to see the practical application of the abstract ideas of give and take that he / she learns in the classroom. As the activities are organized among sections of the class, most of the activities, are based on the syllabi of the class. It aims at developing different skills. Parents must encourage their ward to take active participation in all activities. Continuous practice and perseverance is the only road to success.

Co - Scholastic Activities - 2019 - 20

April Poem Recitation English Club
July Collage on Health & Hygiene EVS Club
August Word Puzzle Hindi Club
- Flag Making Art Club
October Spelling Bee English Club
November Hand Writing Hindi Club
December Shopping –Maths in daily life Maths Club
April Pen holder
Bob Jump (Events)
( 1st , 2 nd) week
Art Club
Boys/ Girls
July Puzzle based on Multiplication table
Poster Making
Ball Throw
( 3 rd, 4 th ) week
Maths Club
EVS Club
August Solo Song Competition
Filling the Bottle
Music Club
Boys/ Girls
October ( 1st , 2 nd) week
Two Minute talk
English Club
November Shrutilekh Pratiyogita Hindi Club
December Rangoli (Topic Christmas) Art Club
April Standing Broad Jump
Week (2nd , 3rd) July
Crossword puzzle
Slogan writing on save tree
(1st, 2nd ) Week
Maths Club
SSt Club
Boys/ Girls
August Model making of atoms
Kahani lekhan
Science Club
Hindi Club
October Map Design
Preparation of chart with pictures of
scientists and what they invented
SSt Club
Science Club
November Speech competition
Terminology test
Shuttle Run
(3rd , 4th) week
English Club
Maths Club
Boys/ Girls
December Christmas tree (Class VI)
House making ( Class VII)
House making (Class VIII)
Art Club
Art Club
Art Club
April Kabbadi
(3rd , 4th) week
July Science model making competition
Cross word puzzle (Terminology)
(3rd , 4th) week
Science Club
Maths Club
Boys / Girls
August Speech Competition
issues English Club
(3rd , 4th) week
Hindi Club
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October Role play (Indian freedom fighters)
Hand Ball
(2nd , 3rd ) week
S.St Club
English Club
November Chart making competition-
Biogeochemical cycle
Instrumental competition
Science Club
Music Club